Session 4 Production Project



UI/Heads Up Display

Main Coder

Intention (SMART Goal)

By March 2nd, my goal for Session 4, as the UI/Menus person for Team 3, is by reading the “Rules of Play” book, I’ll be able to make the player more interested in the game by being able to use the game information to define what’s known and not known to the player in a way that I want it to be conveyed.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Louis Auger (UI artist)

Works: Mass Effect Andromeda, Deus Ex, Assassin’s Creed 2

Training Source(s)

0:00 – What is UI?

1:20 – Benefit of HUD

1:35 – Gauges

2:48 – Previews

5:13 – UX

6:12 – Visual Hierarchy

7:06 – Three Reads

9:30 – Minimaps

11:20 – Readability and Understanding

13:45 – Conclusion

Project Timeline

  1. Brainstorm ideas
  2. Write down ideas
  3. Discuss ideas with team
  4. Plan project
  5. Write storyboard
  6. Present idea
  7. Start Production
  8. Work on project
  9. Finish project
  10. Create slideshow
  11. Add evidence of work
  12. Present slideshow

Proposed Budget


The GAME Creation

Knight of Salvation

Skills Commentary

Feedback from Michelle, an Advisory member


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

We had a lot of level building problems because the tiles would not piece together the way we wanted them to, so I edited the tiles to make them look better when put together. I wanted to use mechanics that were popular in a lot of games, like enemies that shoot at you. So I was able to make an enemy shoot at the player when they were in range.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I think our team was good at communicating with each other, after all, we have been working in the same team since Session 1. I would try to make it known how I would want things to look like and we discussed ideas on it.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

We used videos and picture references to work on our graphics and I used video tutorials to work on coding.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

I think working on this game will have helped me improve it next session and future games as well because this is the first dungeon crawler type of game I’ve worked on so it will be good for experience.

Reactions to the Final Version

“The game was well put together”

“good eye contact”

“I appreciate that you thanked me”

– Michelle (advisor)

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

The picture above, it shows how I made the player attack, since I was using the animation as its own sprite I had to make the slash hitbox its own sprite too. So I made a different sprite to represent the hitbox that would be created when left clicked.

The picture above shows something that I’ve experimented with for the first time. The turret. behavior, which will make objects rotate to aim at a target and shoot. I made an enemy that looked like a mushroom and would shoot spores at you but it would be rooted in place, like a turret.

Overall I think I played my part. But there were things that I was not able to add to the game, such as death animations for the enemies and the player. I was also supposed to create a flowchart and define what information is known to the player, information known to the game, and randomly generated information. Next session I will focus on getting those things done.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned how to use instance variables much better, this session was the first time I was able to use and understand boolean and string instance variables. I was able to use more behaviors like the turret and line of sight behavior. There were many tilemap problems but I was able to edit them to make it work. I will be able to use this experience for future sessions and it helps better my understanding of what makes a game.

Grammar and Spelling


