Mar.14-May.10 Weekly Work Log: Session 5

Session Number 5
Week Number 2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 2-3 hours
What was your overall goal for this week? Brewing Panel for game

Work Tasks : 3/27 – 3/21

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
3/27/23Move around certain UI elements for better organization.20 minutes Yes, makes everything easily accessible and overall, just look better.
3/28/23 Create a screen for brewing potions.30 minutes Yes, we now have the layout for brewing.
 3/29/23 Research how to make an inventory 30 minutes Kind of, I’m still unsure which method I want to use,
 3/30/23 Create scripts for the inventory system 40 minutes Yes, I’m starting the long process of writing dozens of scripts.
 3/31/23 Fixed broken prefab for game
Continue making scripts for the inventory system
 15 minutes
30 minutes
 Yes, Plastic SCM had a merge error that broke one of our canvas prefabs. It took a while to fix but we got it back through an old save.
Session Number 5
Week Number 3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 
What was your overall goal for this week? Item Inventory Scripts

Work Tasks 4/11 – 4/14

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/10Watch Dapper Dino’s video50 minutesYes, his series on this mechanic is pretty big so gotta try to run through them.
4/11 Write scripts from the first video50 minutes Yes, these first few scripts are very important for the inventory to work.
 4/12 Watch Dapper Dino’s part 240 minutes Yes, he’s writing more scripts for stuff like a hot bar and the drag mechanic.
 4/13 Write scripts from the second video
Start 3rd part
 50 minutes Yes, we need these scripts to be able to drag and click items in the inventory.
 4/14 Start writing scripts from the third video
Work on interaction UI
 50 minutes I would say yes but I think I should have worked on the interaction UI way before.
Session Number 5
Week Number 4
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3+ hours
What was your overall goal for this week? Finish the interaction UI and go back to the inventory

Work Tasks 4/17 – 4/22

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/17Watched this Interaction Tutorial30 mins
 Yes, I had to take a slight detour to help the team with something so I had to figure out how to do it with this video.
4/18 Rewrite scripts for interaction
Make the UI for it
50 mins Yes, we have a pretty decent interaction pop-up now.
 4/19 Watch Dapper Dino’s part 4 40 mins Yes, I got back on track to make the inventory system.
 4/20 Write scripts according to the video 50 mins Yes, he does some updates on previous scripts and he starts actually creating the menus in Unity.
 4/21 Implement the interfaces 50 mins Yes, this is usually really simple, but I was having problems with the implementation built into Visual Studio, so I had to do it all manually.
Session Number 5
Week Number 5
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3+
What was your overall goal for this week? Write the rest of the scripts of the item system

Work Tasks 4/24 – 4/28

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/24Fix compiling errors and rewrite some scripts50 mins
 Yes, I was able to get rid of a lot of errors that breaks the game
4/25Create namespaces for scripts
Write custom event scripts
10 mins

40 mins
 Yes, namespaces make organizing scripts better
Custom events allow you to do more with scripts in the future if you wanted to
 4/26Absent No, because I didn’t get any work done
 4/27 Finished the item system scripts50 mins Yes, now I can start working on the actual inventory panel
 4/28 Work on the credits menu 50 mins Yes, it was requested by Leduc since we won’t have slides anymore

5/1 – 5/5 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:#5
Week Number:#6
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 2+
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Create the inventory and brewing panels

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
5/1I created the general look of the inventory panel and item slots50 mins Yes, now I can begin to implement the drag-and-clicking part of the inventory.
5/2 Assigned a button for the inventory and started on the brewing menu50 mins The inventory completely works which is great now the only thing we really would want is the brewing panel.
5/3 Created brewing menu40 mins The brewing menu can now be opened the player can see a bit more and make different potions.
 5/4  Rewrite interact code for brewing
Added new potion
50 mins The brewing menu can be opened and closed instead of just staying open.
Added a green potion as a second option. (still need to give green potion a separate value and cost)
 5/5 Absent 0 No

5/8 – 5/12 Weekly Work Log TEMPLATE v.2

Session Number:# 5
Week Number:# 7
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: # 1+
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Put in finishing changes.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
5/8Tried fixing potion problem50 mins Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get anywhere.
5/9 absent0 No
 5/10 absent0 No
 5/11 absent No
 5/12 Added my evidence to the credits page and caught up on some work. 50 mins Yes, I’m not that behind anymore.

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