Game Design – Week 7 – Tools, Time, and Rooms


CreativeCommons image Tool Stash by Meena Kadri at


  • Write your weekly summary here, last, at the end of the week…
    • Only one to two sentences


  • Unreal engine is a great engine that I chose.

I chose this video specifically because it shows you how to make a game and a good tutorial on how to make it. Unreal engine is a great engine for game designs and has some really great features.


If you are to make your first video game, then you shouldn’t over do it, you should start off small making it the most minimum viable product. If your game has a bunch of unnecessary obstacles that you don’t need to tell the final product then it will be super difficult to figure out what needs improving.

Game Genres from the Simplest and Most Difficult to Create

  1. Racing Game
  2. Top-Down Shooter
  3. 2d Platformer
  4. Color Matching Puzzle Game
  5. 2D Puzzle Platformer
  6. 3D Platformer
  7. FPS
  8. JRPG
  9. Fighting Game
  10. Action Adventure
  11. Western RPG
  12. RTS


What I learned from the first video is that when you play your game you have to experience your games and see what is wrong with them and what is right. change the right things and make it better. What I learned from the second video is that if you wanna be a god designer you play all types of games even if you don’t like the certain game genre. Also some really important things for designers to know is that you have to set up the most important keys first. that will help with everything else.



If I was the protagonist then my enemy would have to be myself, my lazier self (I´m currently losing since this is late). My goal would be to finish all of my work and the biggest obstacle would have to be procrastination.

Idea #1- Racing Game

Objective: Race through the levels while collecting coins and dodging obstacles. The coins help you boost your speed and agility in the race. During each race, there will be a boost bar that tells you how many coins you need to collect before you can unlock that boost or powerup. Whoever collects the most coins after all the levels win.

Idea #2- Puzzle/Escape Game

Objective: Complete each puzzle to get clues in order to escape the maze. The puzzles will get harder as you go on. The puzzles will be a mix of questions and regular puzzles. Once you get out of the maze you win.

Idea #3- Top-Down Shooter Game

Objective: Defeat the dirt monsters by shooting them. The more monsters you kill the more points you get for power-ups and customization of your character. There will be levels and at each level, there will be a boss that you have to defeat after you defeat the little monsters.

Idea #4- 2D Platformer Game

Objective: You have to get the star to the top of the Christmas tree while avoiding all the flying ornaments. Your screen moves up once you move up and in order to move up, you have to jump onto platforms. Some of the platforms are real and some are fake. If you jump onto a fake platform then you lose and have to start over. You also lose if you get hit by the obstacles.

Idea #5- Story/Survival Game

Objective: You wake up one day and you are the only person in your town. You have to learn to survive on the minimal resources that you have. You also have to find a way to figure out where everyone went and how to find them. The games end when you find everyone or when you use up all your resources before you find them and you don’t survive.


I think it was really fun trying to come up with ideas and digging into the side of my brain that I didn’t know I had. I’m not a very creative person so this really helped me step out of my comfort zone and really challenge my brain to think of useful ideas.

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